Moodle Navbuttons Alternatives

Adds navigation buttons to the bottom of each activity page in Moodle (1.9/2.0+)
Alternatives To Moodle Navbuttons
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Space Navigation View1,906
5 years ago59Java
Space Navigation is a library allowing easily integrate fully customizable Google Spaces like navigation to your app.
Sensible Side Buttons1,309
3 years ago30gpl-2.0C
A macOS menu bar app that enables system-wide navigation functionality for the side buttons on third-party mice.
Floating Navigation View1,118
24 years ago6October 05, 20202apache-2.0Java
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
6 years ago6mitJavaScript
:evergreen_tree: A web browser built with JavaScript as a Windows app
Curved_navigation_bar5733142 years ago29February 08, 202233bsd-2-clauseDart
Animated Curved Navigation Bar in Flutter
a year ago4mitC#
Flexible way to manage screens with transitions for Unity
React Native Keyboard Accessory4671052 years ago28November 29, 202136mitJavaScript
A React Native Keyboard Accessory (View, Navigation) Component. Sticky views on keyboard.
Uitextfield Navigation442
43 years ago21October 22, 20184mitSwift
🏄‍♂️ UITextField-Navigation makes it easier to navigate between UITextFields and UITextViews
57 years ago6September 07, 20155mitObjective-C
A UINavigationController subclass that re-enables the interactive pop gesture when the navigation bar is hidden or a custom back button is used.
8 years ago5JavaScript
A simple menu with multiple levels and an optional breadcrumb navigation and back button.
Alternatives To Moodle Navbuttons
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