Pok3r Layouts Alternatives

POK3R keyboard layouts for Windows and OS X/Mac
Alternatives To Pok3r Layouts
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
1598 months ago56December 01, 202342mitSwift
A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
8 months ago515apache-2.0Kotlin
An open-source keyboard for Android which respects your privacy. Currently in early-beta.
a year ago27mitPython
Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane.
12 years ago10December 16, 20199mitSwift
⌨️ KeyboardLayoutGuide, back from when it didn't exist.
Nwm758239 years ago8September 09, 201511mitJavaScript
Tiling window manager for X11 written in Node.js
Keyboard Layout Editor643
4 years ago119otherJavaScript
Web application to enable the design & editing of keyboard layouts
Pok3r Layouts549
6 years ago15
POK3R keyboard layouts for Windows and OS X/Mac
Vim Xkbswitch443
a year ago15mitVim Script
vim plugin for automatic keyboard layout switching in insert mode
2 years ago2mitJava
Numeric Keyboard34233 years ago66June 11, 202021mitJavaScript
Number keyboard for mobile browsers
Alternatives To Pok3r Layouts
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