Mirror Leech Telegram Bot Alternatives

Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdownloader supported sites, then upload them to google drive, telegram cloud or to one of rclone supported clouds
Alternatives To Mirror Leech Telegram Bot
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Mirror Leech Telegram Bot2,926
a year ago15gpl-3.0Python
Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdownloader supported sites, then upload them to google drive, telegram cloud or to one of rclone supported clouds
Tortoolkit Telegram579
2 years ago5August 16, 202127gpl-3.0Python
Most versatile Telegram torrent, direct-link, mega, and youtube-dl bot. Uploads to various cloud storage like Gdrive, Mega, Telegram, etc.
3 years ago11agpl-3.0Python
can be found on Telegram as https://telegram.dog/PublicLeechGroup
7 years agobsd-3-clausePython
Uploads a file to Dropbox
Ikoa Web55
4 years ago1mitPython
run ikoa on heroku
Heroku Google Drive31
5 years ago2Shell
Remote Google Drive client on Heroku using Rclone and Aria2
Bash Backup Script15
5 years ago1gpl-3.0Shell
A small script to upload backup tar to an external storage service
Torrentleech Gdrive12
4 years agoagpl-3.0Python
Torrent Leecher with GDRIVE support
Backup Script6
4 years agogpl-3.0Shell
A Bash script to generate a tar.gz backup of a folder, with an option to automatically upload the backup file to a cloud service using rclone.
Heroku Buildpack Rclone Mod6
5 years agomitShell
Modified version RClone (Gclone) to support Heroku
Alternatives To Mirror Leech Telegram Bot
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