Project Name | Stars | Downloads | Repos Using This | Packages Using This | Most Recent Commit | Total Releases | Latest Release | Open Issues | License | Language |
Node Hbase | 232 | 43 | 10 | 3 years ago | 28 | December 04, 2019 | 9 | mit | CoffeeScript | |
Asynchronous HBase client for NodeJs using REST | ||||||||||
Hbase Sdk For Net | 75 | 20 | 8 years ago | 9 | March 06, 2017 | 8 | apache-2.0 | C# | ||
Microsoft HBase REST Client Library for .NET | ||||||||||
Swordfish | 37 | 7 years ago | 4 | Java | ||||||
Open-source distribute workflow schedule tools, also support streaming task. | ||||||||||
Spark Bulkload Hbase Spring Boot Rest | 17 | 7 years ago | Java | |||||||
This project compose of two parts: 1) write, spark job to write to hbase using bulk load to; 2)read, rest api reading from hbase base on spring boot frame | ||||||||||
Hello Kafka Stream Testing | 13 | 5 years ago | 2 | mit | Java | |||||
The most simple way to test Kafka based applications or micro-services e.g. Read/Write during HBase/Hadoop or other Data Ingestion Pipe Lines | ||||||||||
Pylib | 9 | 2 years ago | 14 | mit | Python | |||||
Python / Jython Utility Library for my other repos | ||||||||||
Spring Boot Hbase Restful | 8 | 7 years ago | mit | Java | ||||||
Spring-Boot-Hbase-RESTful | ||||||||||
Hbasex | 6 | 8 years ago | 1 | mit | Erlang | |||||
A HBase driver for Elixir using HBase Thrift Interface (v2) | ||||||||||
Hbasepy | 5 | 6 years ago | 3 | November 14, 2016 | mit | Python | ||||
A simple hbase REST client. | |||||||||| | 5 | 15 years ago | 1 | C# | ||||||
.net client library for stargate (rest) interface to hbase |