Anime Tracker Web App Alternatives

Anime Tracker App keeps you updated with anime world. You can search for any anime and get the result in the form of CSS Cards, clicking them will redirect you to the searched anime info. It has three rows. First one host the anime list which are released or updated that day, meaning you'll know which anime has been recently released, it changes day to day, dynamically. Second row shows the anime which have the highest score depending on MAL(It is like imdb for anime). Last row maps the anime which will be released in future and they are sorted on the hype created by their fans :P. Clicking on any of the cards which show their Info !
Alternatives To Anime Tracker Web App
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Arena Helper229
4 years ago17C#
A plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that helps drafting Hearthstone arena decks.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker Mac208
9 years ago13Objective-C
A Deck Tracker for Mac OS X.
Mtga Pro Tracker202
5 years ago165mitC#
Collection manager & deck tracker for MTG Arena card game
7 years ago54otherC#
Universal Deck Tracker for collectible card games such as The Elder Scrolls: Legends and Eternal
Hearthstone Collection Tracker80
8 years ago37C#
A plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows to keep track on pack sets
Mtgahelper Windows Client55
2 years ago11mitC#
MTGAHelper Tracker local program
5 years ago23lgpl-3.0C++
Deck Tracker for Magic Arena [DEPRECATED]
8 years ago18C#
Based on cards played, detect what deck opponent is playing
15 years ago23May 29, 20153Ruby
Input stories from pivotal tracker and print the story into a 4x6 card
4 years ago20mitC#
Plugin for HearthstoneDeckTracker
Alternatives To Anime Tracker Web App
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