Linguist Android Sdk Alternatives

Automatic app translation SDK for Android
Alternatives To Linguist Android Sdk
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Mobile Sdk Ios113
a year ago28December 17, 20227mitSwift
Crowdin iOS SDK delivers all new translations from Crowdin project to the application immediately
Mobile Sdk Android104
a year ago2mitKotlin
Crowdin Android SDK delivers all new translations from Crowdin project to the application immediately
Tomox Sdk Ui22
4 years ago31mitJavaScript
SDK UI to build a Decentralized Exchange on TomoX protocol
8 years agoPascal
Android/iOS application SDK translation for Delphi
Aem Translation Framework Bootstrap Connector19
2 years ago11otherJava
Bootstrap Translation connector using the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Translation Vendor API
Linguist Android Sdk16
6 years agootherJava
Automatic app translation SDK for Android
Intervalue Lightnode 2.0 Testnet16
6 years ago1mitJavaScript
intervalue light node (wallet) , version 2.0 testnet
Api Sdk Python15
2 years ago2Python
SDK for integrating with the Smartling API. The Smartling API allows developers to upload language specific resource files and download the translations of those files for easy integration within their application.
3 years ago18January 31, 20224otherDart
The Frappe Dart/Flutter Front End SDK
Api Sdk Ruby13242 years ago6May 19, 20174otherRuby
SDK for integrating with the Smartling API. The Smartling API allows developers to upload language specific resource files and download the translations of those files for easy integration within their application.
Alternatives To Linguist Android Sdk
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