Api Sdk Ruby Alternatives

SDK for integrating with the Smartling API. The Smartling API allows developers to upload language specific resource files and download the translations of those files for easy integration within their application.
Alternatives To Api Sdk Ruby
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Laravel Translation127
a year ago25November 08, 2023mitPHP
Translation package for Laravel to scan for localisations and up/download to poeditor
Lokalise Cli 2 Go91
a year ago13March 18, 202130otherGo
Lokalise CLI v2
Gridfieldbulkeditingtools8510537a year ago32October 18, 202329bsd-3-clausePHP
SilverStripe GridField Components set for bulk upload and bulk record edit, unlink & delete :package::boom:
Brackets Sftp Upload70
5 years ago1February 16, 202243mitJavaScript
SFTP upload plugin for brackets
Phraseapp Go20114 years ago4October 12, 2020mitGo
Go library for Phrase API v2
a year agoPHP
Documentation for phpMussel.
Limit Upload15
12 years ago1gpl-3.0PHP
Limit the number of uploads on WordPress posts
3 years ago3September 16, 20173mitPython
Script for managing Android translations using Google Spreadsheets.
Api Sdk Ruby13242 years ago6May 19, 20174otherRuby
SDK for integrating with the Smartling API. The Smartling API allows developers to upload language specific resource files and download the translations of those files for easy integration within their application.
Gradle Crowdin Plugin9
4 years ago5August 23, 20202Groovy
Build task plugin for downloading and uploading translations from Crowdin.com
Alternatives To Api Sdk Ruby
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