Discordencryption Alternatives

🔐 Configurable end to end encryption for Discord
Alternatives To Discordencryption
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Wire Ios_legacy3,204
a year agon,ullgpl-3.0Swift
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Sdk Js7953199 months ago348December 04, 2023otherTypeScript
Tanker client-side encryption SDK for JavaScript
5 years ago2gpl-3.0JavaScript
:closed_lock_with_key: Configurable end to end encryption for Discord
Sdk Native20
9 months agootherC++
Tanker C++ / C encryption SDK
Ajax Chat19
2 years agoJavaScript
Ajax Chat is a complete web chat in javascript, ajax, php and mysql compatible with Phonegap
Quickstart Examples17
3 years ago2otherJavaScript
Integration examples of Tanker's client-side encryption SDKs
2 years ago
Technical specification of the Tanker SDK and protocol for end-to-end encryption
Sdk Android13
9 months agootherKotlin
Tanker client-side encryption SDK for Android
Sdk Ios9
2 years agootherObjective-C
Tanker client-side encryption SDK for iOS
Sdk Python5
10 months agootherPython
Tanker Python SDK - mirror of https://gitlab.com/TankerHQ/sdk-python
Alternatives To Discordencryption
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