Upcomingmovies Alternatives

Movies app written in Swift 5 using the TMDb API and demonstrating Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, MVVM and Coordinators.
Alternatives To Upcomingmovies
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
10 months agomitSwift
Movies app written in Swift 5 using the TMDb API and demonstrating Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, MVVM and Coordinators.
a year ago5mitKotlin
🎬 A demo project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
24 days ago5apache-2.0Kotlin
Discover movies app illustrating Kotlin Multiplatform development best practices
a year ago1mitSwift
iOS TV Shows app with TMDb Api. Combine, MVVM + Coordinator. Modular Architecture. Swift Package Manager
Paging 3 Sample108
2 years ago2mitKotlin
This app is created as a sample app which loads movies from Tmdb api and uses Paging 3 library to show it in a Recycler view.
a year ago1mitKotlin
🎥 A minimalistic movie listing app to browse movies using TMDB API, 📲 built to demonstrate MVVM Architecture, Kotlin, Coroutines, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, Room, Retrofit, Material Components, CI/CD.
5 years ago3apache-2.0Kotlin
A lite movie guide app, with MVVM architecture, that lets you discover movies from TMDb.
6 years agoSwift
Movie Info app using TMDb API built with MVVM
Movie Mashup23
6 years agon,ullgpl-3.0Kotlin
🎥🎬🎞️ Movie Mashup : A personal feed for movie buffs. Android boilerplate app, using Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Dagger2, RxAndroid, Data Binding, layers-by-features & other standard practices.
4 years agoKotlin
App para consultar TMDb API utilizando MVVM y android jetpack
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