Fastai vs Netron vs Learnopencv vs D2l En vs Deep Learning With Tensorflow Book vs Best Of Ml Python vs The Incredible Pytorch vs Ludwig vs Deepspeed vs Topdeeplearning

DeepspeedNetronFastaiD2l EnLearnopencvBest Of Ml PythonDeep Learning With Tensorflow BookLudwigThe Incredible PytorchTopdeeplearning
Dependent Packages87701573
Dependent Repos41846
Most Recent Commit17 days ago3 days ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago3 years ago24 days ago3 months ago4 years ago
Total Releases79610147247
Latest ReleaseDecember 01, 2023December 09, 2023October 15, 2023November 13, 2022October 13, 2023
Open Issues920272011152552178340117
Programming LanguagePythonJavaScriptJupyter NotebookPythonJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookPythonPython