Social Api.js Alternatives

Easy way to load social API properly in your Javascript, compatible with Facebook API, Youtube API, Google Plus API, Google Maps API, Twitter API, Pinterest API, Vkontakte API or any API url.
Alternatives To Social Api.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Social Likes1,1201537 years ago4November 21, 20174mitCSS
Beautiful social “like” buttons with counters for jQuery.
107 years ago8March 18, 20162otherObjective-C
Animated Social share buttons control for iOS
Kellyc Image Downloader170
a year agogpl-3.0JavaScript
Browser extension for batch downloading artworks from Pixiv, Pinterest, Twitter, DeviantArt and other sites.
Social Likes Next157917 years ago3May 17, 20168mitJavaScript
Beautiful modern share buttons
8 years ago7otherPHP
jQuery/PHP - Collection of Social Media APIs that display number of your social media fans. Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, Instagram Followers, YouTube Subscribers, etc..
3 years ago2mitJavaScript
A lightweight and modular social sharing library
8 years agoNovember 26, 2023Go
Written in GO lang, this project is a wrapper API on popular social sites and returns share count of a given url
Django Social Publisher7
29 years ago39May 10, 20161mitPython
Jquery Social Buttons6
9 years agoJavaScript
jQuery Social Share Buttons Plugin
Typescript Social Share6
8 years agoCSS
Simple Typescript Setup with a basic Social Share Component.
Alternatives To Social Api.js
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