Vdcworkshop Alternatives

Alternatives To Vdcworkshop
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
a year ago2PowerShell
Repo for the Azure Master Class
a year ago18otherC++
Efficient RPCs for datacenter networks
10 months ago71mitHCL
Source code for the Azure Marketplace Terraform development VM package.
2 years ago10cc-by-4.0Jupyter Notebook
Microsoft Azure Traces
Az 203 Developingsolutionsformicrosoftazure396
2 years agomitC#
AZ-203: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
Azure Libraries For Net3713972a year ago58April 13, 2022286mitC#
Azure libraries for .Net
3a year ago12October 22, 2014182gpl-3.0Python
Create clusters of VMs on the cloud and configure them with Ansible.
Template Building Blocks32523 years ago19December 21, 2020otherJavaScript
A tool for deploying Azure infrastructure based on proven practices. Azure building blocks take advantage of the Azure CLI and Azure Resource Manager templates to provision collections of resources as logical units with production-ready settings.
Azure Linux Extensions280
a year ago299apache-2.0Python
Linux Virtual Machine Extensions for Azure
Machine Controller Manager2406310 months ago74November 08, 202386otherGo
Declarative way of managing machines for Kubernetes cluster
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