Terraform Aws Docker Alternatives

A POC using Terraform to create two EC2 instances running Docker with containerized Nginx daemon.
Alternatives To Terraform Aws Docker
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Nginx Ldap Auth640
2 years ago26bsd-2-clausePython
Example of LDAP authentication using ngx_http_auth_request_module
a year ago19otherJavaScript
An open-source recreation of Reddit's /r/place.
2 years ago1mitPHP
5 years ago7C
A light TLS implementation used for learning: TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.3 GMSSL 1.1(国密SSL) based on libcrypto.so.
Apachai Hopachai29
10 years agomitRuby
Travis-like continuous integration (CI) system built on Docker
Expressiveadapter29419 years ago1January 10, 2016mitPHP
A package that allows Zend Expressive applications to reduce overheads by running as a FastCGI daemon. http://phpfastcgi.github.io/
Cunik Engine27
6 years ago1mitPython
The engine of Cunik.
12 years agoNovember 18, 2023Go
CDNStat is a daemon collecting various statistics from nginx requests: request count, sent bytes, referer, URI path.
Terraform Aws Docker24
9 years agounlicenseHCL
A POC using Terraform to create two EC2 instances running Docker with containerized Nginx daemon.
Nginx Ldap21
5 years ago4otherPython
nginx LDAP auth with groups support
Alternatives To Terraform Aws Docker
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