Translate Markdown Alternatives

CLI tool to translate Markdown document with Google translate
Alternatives To Translate Markdown
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Tools3,9082a year ago2September 25, 2019216apache-2.0Go
Codelabs management & hosting tools
6 years ago45apache-2.0
Convert a Google Drive Document to the Markdown format, suitable for publishing.
Gd2md Html605
a year ago46apache-2.0JavaScript
Convert a Google Doc to Markdown or HTML. This Docs add-on converts a Google Doc to simple Markdown and/or HTML.
Keep It Markdown393
a year ago10apache-2.0Python
Convert Google Keep notes dynamically to markdown for Obsidian, Logseq, Joplin and Notion using the unofficial Keep API. Also, import simple markdown notes back into Google Keep.
Sheetdown31019 years ago8July 27, 20153otherJavaScript
:page_with_curl: :arrow_down: Convert a Google Spreadsheet into a Table in Markdown
7 years ago5February 17, 201512CSS
Beautiful HTML5 slides in markdown. A easy-to-use fork of the google-io-2012 slide deck
Google Docs To Markdown174
a year ago20bsd-3-clauseJavaScript
A minimal webapp for converting Google Docs to Markdown
Markdown To Google Doc137
6 years ago2Shell
Converts a markdown file to .docx and then imports it to Google Drive
Parse Google Docs Json12523 years ago6March 06, 20221mitJavaScript
Authenticates with Google API and parse Google Docs to JSON or Markdown
Google Keep Exporter122
3 years ago4apache-2.0HTML
Export google keep notes to markdown
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