Minitools.js Alternatives

collection of small js helpers for "modern" browsers
Alternatives To Minitools.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Jquery.localscroll6252737 years ago3August 09, 20173mitJavaScript
Animated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery
React Scrollable Anchor264267245 years ago11February 05, 201847mitJavaScript
Smooth scrolling anchors bound to URL hash
Gatsby Plugin Anchor Links5464 years ago16January 27, 20214mitJavaScript
⚓ Gatsby plugin for using smooth scroll anchor links with a Gatsby Link component
Chainpoint Cli4724 years ago21April 15, 2020apache-2.0JavaScript
A Command Line Interface (CLI) for creating and verifying Chainpoint proofs.
Local Links32198117 years ago16September 01, 2016mitJavaScript
Determine cross-browser if an event or anchor element should be handled locally.
Chainpoint Start19
2 years ago
Start here to learn about the Chainpoint Network.
Hash Link Scroll Offset14
a year ago3JavaScript
Offset the scroll position of anchored links. Handy if you have a sticky header that covers linked material.
Chainpoint Js1452 years ago17April 15, 20222apache-2.0JavaScript
A javascript client to create and verify Chainpoint proofs
Java Consistent Hashing Algorithms11
9 months agogpl-3.0Java
Java implementations of the most popular and best performing consistent hashing algorithms for non-peer-to-peer contexts.
React Anchor Navigation10
a year agomitTypeScript
React lightweight library for anchor scrolling and navigation tied to URL hash
Alternatives To Minitools.js
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