Fitter Alternatives

🍭 An on-demand image server for generating dynamic images
Alternatives To Fitter
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
a year ago282otherPython - WAMP application router
9 months ago2April 22, 202114mitGo
An image resizing server written in Go
Docker Jetbrains License Server1,368
9 months ago1mitDockerfile
JetBrains License Server Docker image
3 years ago15gpl-3.0JavaScript
Breed and share images using biggan
Nginx Rtmp Docker934
9 months ago18mitDockerfile
Docker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp-module module for live multimedia (video) streaming.
Up177332 years ago48July 24, 202331mitJavaScript
Client-side encrypted image host web server
a year ago8gpl-3.0PHP
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop & nosql file conversion server & share tool that supports 86 file formats in 13 languages.
Uwsgi Nginx Docker628
9 months ago17apache-2.0Python
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for applications in Python (as Flask) in a single container. Optionally with Alpine Linux.
8a year ago42August 11, 20184apache-2.0Python
An image resize application server
Docker Zulip510
8 months ago111apache-2.0Shell
Container configurations, images, and examples for Zulip.
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