
Simple version of Distributed File System on multiple threads
Alternatives To Minidfs
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
4 years ago
How I write backends
5 months ago212gpl-2.0C
Gluster Filesystem : Build your distributed storage in minutes
Go Nfs63065 months ago9November 29, 20238apache-2.0Go
golang NFSv3 server
Ftpserver438186 months ago23October 08, 202141mitC#
Portable FTP server written in .NET
Directory Serve392
2 years ago25November 27, 20225mitJavaScript
CLI tool to send and receive file on a network to a server
Vogue2751158 years ago15January 08, 201317mitJavaScript
Save a CSS file, watch your web browser automatically reload it!
2 months ago30C
ksmbd kernel server(SMB/CIFS server)
Fs Remote224665 years ago10November 15, 2018mitJavaScript
📡 Drop-in replacement for fs that lets you write to the filesystem from the browser
Cesium Terrain Server146
5 years ago7April 15, 201515Go
A basic server for serving up filesystem based tilesets representing Cesium.js terrain models
Fuse Nfs130
2 years ago11gpl-3.0C
A FUSE module for NFSv3/4
Alternatives To Minidfs
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