Project Name | Stars | Downloads | Repos Using This | Packages Using This | Most Recent Commit | Total Releases | Latest Release | Open Issues | License | Language |
React Rails | 6,702 | 4,577 | 48 | a year ago | 64 | August 16, 2023 | 18 | apache-2.0 | JavaScript | |
Integrate React.js with Rails views and controllers, the asset pipeline, or webpacker. | ||||||||||
Twitter Bootstrap Rails | 4,518 | 20,100 | 88 | 3 years ago | 44 | February 06, 2017 | 58 | HTML | ||
Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 6.0, Rails 5 - Rails 4.x Asset Pipeline | ||||||||||
I18n Js | 3,696 | 1,273 | 32 | a year ago | 77 | March 29, 2023 | 4 | mit | Ruby | |
It's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support. | ||||||||||
Broccoli | 3,316 | 3,506 | 632 | 3 years ago | 102 | May 03, 2021 | 38 | mit | JavaScript | |
Browser compilation library – an asset pipeline for applications that run in the browser | ||||||||||
Google Maps For Rails | 2,301 | 3,851 | 4 | 7 years ago | 103 | February 02, 2017 | 41 | mit | JavaScript | |
Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps | ||||||||||
Premailer Rails | 1,624 | 3,492 | 15 | a year ago | 24 | April 06, 2020 | 9 | mit | Ruby | |
CSS styled emails without the hassle. | ||||||||||
Backbone On Rails | 838 | 2,186 | 9 | 9 years ago | 19 | June 01, 2015 | 5 | mit | Ruby | |
A simple gem for using Backbone.js with Rails. | ||||||||||
Less Rails Bootstrap | 569 | 1,365 | 23 | 5 years ago | 46 | June 19, 2015 | 5 | Ruby | ||
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web for Rails asset pipeline. | ||||||||||
Angular Rails Templates | 566 | 2,057 | 6 | a year ago | 19 | April 08, 2020 | 10 | mit | Ruby | |
Use your angular templates with rails' asset pipeline | ||||||||||
Chosen Rails | 526 | 1,468 | 18 | 3 years ago | 38 | October 29, 2019 | 2 | mit | Ruby | |
Integrate Chosen javascript library with Rails asset pipeline |