Rails_real_favicon Alternatives

RealFaviconGenerator plugin for Ruby on Rails
Alternatives To Rails_real_favicon
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Will_paginate5,70144,8005198 months ago39May 29, 202344mitRuby
Pagination library for Rails and other Ruby applications
8 months ago83gpl-3.0Ruby
an application that automates the lifecycle of servers
Vite_ruby1,09478 months ago84November 16, 202326mitRuby
⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
14 years ago31otherRuby
The facebooker Rails plugin
Mobility921301210 months ago87June 24, 202244mitRuby
Pluggable Ruby translation framework
Oauth Plugin72025575 years ago23September 24, 201369mitRuby
Rails plugin for OAuth
Db Charmer618
227 years ago53November 14, 201419mitRuby
ActiveRecord Connections Magic (slaves, multiple connections, sharding, etc)
Subdomain Fu5973019 years ago5February 09, 201021otherRuby
A new plugin approach to attempting to solve the usage of subdomains in linking and routing in Rails projects.
a year ago70Ruby
A knowledgebase plugin for Redmine
Tiny_mce42310748 years ago10September 27, 20112mitRuby
A Ruby on Rails plugin (pre-Rails 3.1) that allows easy implementation of the TinyMCE editor into your applications.
Alternatives To Rails_real_favicon
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