University Course And Result Mangement Sytem

This web application is only for using one semester only of a university Save Department During department saving, you must ensure that, code and name must be unique. Noted that, code must be two (2) to seven (7) characters long. View All Departments In this page, all the existing department information will be displayed. Save Course Here, code and name must be unique. Code must be at least five (5) characters long. Credit range is from 0.5 to 5.0 i.e. credit cannot be less than 0.5 and more than 5.0. Department DropDownList will be loaded with the existing department data from database. You should keep eight (8) semesters’ data in database and the semester DropDownList will be loaded with those data. Save Teacher During teacher saving, you must ensure that, email must be in correct format and unique. You don’t need to make a UI for entering designation information, just keep some designation in database and Designation DropDownList will be loaded with those data. You also have to ensure that, Credit to be taken field must contain a non-negative value Course Assign to Teacher User will select a department from the DropDownList and all the teachers’ name and course code of that specific department will be loaded in the Teacher and Course Code DropDownList. When user will select a teacher, Credit to be taken and Remaining credit will be displayed accordingly. When user will select a course code, Name and Credit of that course will be displayed. You must ensure to avoid overlapping problem. A course cannot be assigned to more than one teacher, i.e. an assigned course cannot be assigned again. If user tries to assign a course, which credit is more than teacher’s remaining credit, system will show an option (Yes/No) dialog box and work accordingly. User will select a department and all the course information (Code, Name/Title, Semester and Assigned To) will be displayed accordingly. If there is any course which is not assigned to any teacher yet, then in the Assigned To column there must be written “Not Assigned Yet”. Register Student During student registration, you must ensure that, email must be in correct format and unique. In date there should be a DatePicker, where current date should be selected by default. When register successfully, all the information will be displayed as well as a Registration Number. For registration number, there is a fixed format. Registration Number format: <dept code>-<current year>-XXX. For example, CSE-2012-001, CSE-2012-002, EEE-2012-001, EEE-2013-001, CSE-2013-001, BBA-2015-001, BBA2015-002, BBA-2015-003 Allocate Classrooms Day DropDownList will be loaded with seven (7) days’ name of the week. Keep some room data in database and Room No. DropDownList will be loaded with those data. You must ensure to avoid the overlapping problem here. Both full and partial overlapping must be avoided. View Class Schedule and Room Allocation Information User will select a department, the class schedule and room allocation information of the courses of that particular department will be displayed. Noted that, for a single course, a single row will be generated, i.e. you cannot generate multiple rows for multiple schedule of a single course. If there is any course which is not scheduled yet, then in the Schedule Info column there must be written “Not Scheduled Yet”. Enroll In a Course Student Reg. No. DropDownList will be loaded with existing students’ registration numbers. User will select a registration number, and name, email, department of that particular student will be displayed. Select Course DropDownList will be loaded with the courses’ name of that selected student’s department. A student can enroll in a course once only Save Student Result User will select a registration number, and name, email, department of that particular student will be displayed. Select Course DropDownList will be loaded with the enrolled courses’ name of that selected student. In the Select Grade Letter DropDownList, there will be thirteen (13) grades - A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F. Note that result can be saved only for enrolled courses of that student. View Result User will select a registration number, and name, email, department along with the enrolled courses’ information (Course Code, Name and Grade) of that particular student will be displayed. Techonology:Laravel,Ajax,bootstrap.
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