Apiprefetch.js Alternatives

A JS library for the browser that automatically skips the initial API call(s) if the data is already available.
Alternatives To Apiprefetch.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Httpx.js44126 years ago2January 24, 2019mitJavaScript
The simple HTTP / RESTful requests library of JavaScript (XHR).
Jsend1828 years ago3August 08, 20161otherJavaScript
Ajax wrapper that handles JSON data exchange according to the non-official JSend spec
10 years agoOctober 22, 2014mitJavaScript
A JS library for the browser that automatically skips the initial API call(s) if the data is already available.
13 years ago2mitJavaScript
a JSON consuming JavaScript XHR client for the browser
Bilibili Album7
7 years agoPython
:laughing: B 站/哔哩哔哩 绘画区/相簿 爬虫
Ajax Tutorial7
5 years ago
AJAX 网络编程基础教程
7 years ago1JavaScript
Chrome Dev Tools extension for XHR JSON based requests.
Api Book6
56 years ago13June 22, 2017mitJavaScript
This library is easy to generate API fetch automatically by json ONLY!
Nineteen Fetch5
4 years agomitTypeScript
🚀 implements axios by typescripe.
Req Json513a year ago31December 02, 20221mitJavaScript
Promise based simple HTTP/HTTPS client for browser to request JSON or string for RESTful apis, with koa-like middleware support.
Alternatives To Apiprefetch.js
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