Wallpaper Alternatives

A jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling, element-filling backgrounds.
Alternatives To Wallpaper
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Selectize.js12,983600112a year ago7July 12, 201862apache-2.0SCSS
Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery based, and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc.
Jstree5,092398142a year ago32September 19, 20235mitJavaScript
jquery tree plugin
Jquery Mask Plugin4,651250662 years ago30July 31, 2019118otherJavaScript
A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements.
5 years ago1February 03, 2015106JavaScript
A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images
Malihu Custom Scrollbar Plugin4,110299583 years ago11July 10, 2016412otherJavaScript
Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin, featuring vertical/horizontal scrollbars, scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel, keyboard and touch support etc.
Jquery Placeholder4,073120114 years ago4January 12, 201629mitJavaScript
A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet
Animsition3,7492145 years ago8April 26, 201676mitCSS
A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.
Bootstrap Multiselect3,62082252 years ago4August 01, 2021302otherHTML
JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap.
Overlayscrollbars3,248100149a year ago58November 22, 20237mitTypeScript
A javascript scrollbar plugin that hides native scrollbars, provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars and keeps the native functionality and feeling.
Jquery Match Height3,086491286 years ago4February 19, 201778mitJavaScript
a responsive equal heights plugin
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