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Sets paramters and aliases for eza to replace ls, enable auto list directories on cd with export AUTOCD=1.


eza_params=('--git' '--icons' '--classify' '--group-directories-first' '--time-style=long-iso' '--group' '--color-scale')


alias ls='eza $eza_params'
alias l='eza --git-ignore $eza_params'
alias ll='eza --all --header --long $eza_params'
alias llm='eza --all --header --long --sort=modified $eza_params'
alias la='eza -lbhHigUmuSa'
alias lx='eza -lbhHigUmuSa@'
alias lt='eza --tree $eza_params'
alias tree='eza --tree $eza_params'


The eza should be present to use this plugin. Install eza with Zi:

zi ice from'gh-r' as'program' sbin'**/eza -> eza' atclone'cp -vf completions/eza.zsh _eza'
zi light eza-community/eza

With Zi

To install add to the .zshrc file:

zi light z-shell/zsh-eza

Install only if eza exists and enable auto list directories:

zi ice has'eza' atinit'AUTOCD=1'
zi light z-shell/zsh-eza

Install only if eza exists and enable auto list directories in turbo mode:

zi ice wait lucid has'eza' atinit'AUTOCD=1'
zi light z-shell/zsh-eza

Install only if eza exists and enable auto list directories in turbo mode with the for syntax:

zi wait lucid for \
  has'eza' atinit'AUTOCD=1' \

Clone the repository and add zsh-eza to the plugins array of your zshrc file:

plugins=(... zsh-eza)

With Zplug

Add zplug z-shell/zsh-eza to your ~/.zshrc and re-open your terminal session.