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Cookiecutter PyPack

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Cookiecutter template for a Python package with some modern twists:

  • Primarily uses setup.cfg for storing packaging metadata instead of relying on too much.
  • Relies on src layout for the package.
  • Support setuptools_scm versioning for development.
  • Uses pre-commit hooks to enforce code-style.
  • Uses markdown for the etc. instead of reStructured Text.
  • Allows project name, repo name and package name to be different (for e.g. having something like "Scikit Learn", scikit-learn and sklearn respectively).
  • Adds optional support for either an argparse based command-line tool, or a Click based one (only the latter was available in the original template).
  • By default python_requires>=3.6 is preferred, since new packages should be able to use f-strings.

TLDR: you get this:

$ tree --dirsfirst -a pypack/
├── docs
│   └── ...
├── .github
│   ├── workflows
│   │   └── tests.yml
│   └──
├── src
│   └── pypack
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── tests
│   └── ...
├── .editorconfig
├── .git
├── .gitignore
├── Makefile
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── tox.ini
└── .travis.yml

See Also


  • Testing setup with unittest and python test or py.test
  • Travis-CI: Ready for Travis Continuous Integration testing
  • Tox testing: Setup to easily test for Python 3.6+
  • Sphinx docs: Documentation ready for generation with, for example, ReadTheDocs
  • Auto-release to PyPI when you push a new tag to master (optional)
  • Command line interface using Click (optional)


Install the latest Cookiecutter if you haven't installed it yet (this requires Cookiecutter 1.4.0 or higher):

pip install -U cookiecutter

Generate a Python package project:

cookiecutter gh:ashwinvis/cookiecutter-pypack


  • Create a repo and put it there.
  • Add the repo to your Travis-CI account.
  • Install the package into a virtualenv. (pip install -e '.[dev]' or make develop)
  • Register your project with PyPI.
  • Run the Travis CLI command travis encrypt --add deploy.password to encrypt your PyPI password in Travis config and activate automated deployment on PyPI when you push a new tag to master branch.
  • Add the repo to your ReadTheDocs account
    • turn on the ReadTheDocs service hook.
  • Release your package by pushing a new tag to master.
  • Add a requirements.txt file that specifies the packages you will need for your project and their versions. For more info see the pip docs for requirements files.
  • Activate your project on

For more details, see the cookiecutter-pypackage tutorial.

Not Exactly What You Want?

Don't worry, you have options:

Similar Cookiecutter Templates

Fork This / Create Your Own

If you have differences in your preferred setup, I encourage you to fork this to create your own version. Or create your own; it doesn't strictly have to be a fork.

  • Once you have your own version working, add it to the Similar Cookiecutter Templates list above with a brief description.
  • It's up to you whether or not to rename your fork/own version. Do whatever you think sounds good.

Or Submit a Pull Request

I also accept pull requests on this, if they're small, atomic, and if they make my own packaging experience better.


No packages published


  • Python 83.0%
  • Makefile 14.2%
  • Batchfile 2.8%