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Loginbuddy - Samples

This repository holds samples that use Loginbuddy. Once launched, users can open a browser and will find demo clients, a demo OpenID Connect Provider (OP) and Loginbuddy itself.

Loginbuddy is located in between clients and OIDC providers. Loginbuddy handles all complicated parts of OAuth and OIDC flows and follows best practices.

These samples are also usable to connect to new providers, test connections, view responses of those providers, before integrating them into a client.

Run the samples

To run and build the samples, these tools and technologies are needed:

  • java jdk11
  • maven
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • make // this is for your convenience. If not available, its commands can be run manually

Prepare your environment

  • Add this line to your hosts file:
    • for MacBooks this would be done at: /etc/hosts
    • for Windows this would be done at: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Clone Loginbuddy:

  • git clone // this is needed due to dependencies that are not yet hosted on maven central
    • cd ./loginbuddy
    • make build_all
    • cd ..
  • git clone // this is needed due to dependencies that are not yet hosted on maven central
    • cd ./loginbuddy-tools
    • mvn clean install
    • cd ..

Clone this samples project:

  • git clone
  • cd ./loginbuddy-samples

Run these files to set up the dev environment and dev key pairs:

  • sh // once
  • sh // whenever you want to update the development key pair
  • sh // whenever you want to update the secret for encrypting/decrypting token when obfuscation is requested

Build the samples

Only one command is needed to build the project:

  • make build_all // this will use maven to build and compile the project, it will also build docker images

Launch the samples

Loginbuddy is completely docker based:

  • docker compose up -d // to view the logging output, run it without the switch -d
  • docker compose down // once you want to stop the setup

After launching the setup, you should find these running containers (docker ps)

  • saschazegerman/loginbuddy-democlient:latest (part of this project)
    • simple applications, a Java based web application and a JavaScript based Single Page App (SPA)
  • saschazegerman/loginbuddy-demoserver:latest (part of this project)
    • a simple OpenID Connect server to simulate a real OP
    • this server does some request validations, but it does not verify passwords or usernames (... for demo only)
  • saschazegerman/loginbuddy:latest (build via the project loginbuddy)
    • this is Loginbuddy itself, deployed as standalone service in front of an OP
    • this is the container an application developer would use to support OIDC flows in his application
  • saschazegerman/loginbuddy:latest (build via the project loginbuddy)
    • this is the Loginbuddy itself, but used as a sidcar container (find the container name loginbuddy-sidecar)
    • applications connect to this container directly, the sidecar is not exposed to public clients, has no exposed ports
    • in this scenario, loginbuddy is practically part of the application that is using it (i.e.:
  • saschazegerman/loginbuddy-oidcdr:latest (build via the project loginbuddy)
    • this is Loginbuddys container that handles dynamic registrations
    • it works in conjunction with Loginbuddy standalone and sidecar containers

The containers listen on these ports:

  • democlient: 80, 443
  • demoserver: 8443
  • loginbuddy: 8444
  • loginbuddy-sidecar, loginbuddy-oidcdr: no public ports
    • internally: loginbuddy-sidecar: 8044 (http), 444 (ssl); loginbuddy-oidcdr: 445 (ssl)

These ports are needed to simulate the three party setup on a single machine.

Using the samples

Now that your setup is up and running, open a browser:

You have to confirm multiple SSL/TLS certificate warnings due to self-signed certificates.
Confirming these warnings is only required once since the setup is reusing the generated development key pair with each launch.

Out of the box there are two clients available. A web application and a SPA, both demo slightly different features.

Once selected, the user will find a page that displays two buttons named FAKE. These simulate buttons such as Sign in with Google.

Both buttons take users to Loginbuddys demo OIDC server. In a real life scenario, that could be Google or any other OIDC supported authorization server.

After selecting the provider and signing in, a response is returned and displayed.

The response includes all values as returned by the provider, plus three fields:

  • details_provider
  • details_loginbuddy
  • details_normalized

The response is exactly the response as returned from Loginbuddy to the client. That means, if you are developing a client that uses Loginbuddy, you can use this view to know what you have to handle.

Register Loginbuddy at an OpenID Provider (Loginbuddy as Relying Party (RP))

To add another button to the selection of providers, only a few steps are needed:

  1. Register and OAuth/ OIDC client at your target OIDC provider
  2. Configure Loginbuddy to include that provider when displaying the list of supported providers
  3. Add an image for the button into Loginbuddy

Visit your OpenID Provider

  • Create a developer account at your target OpenID Provider
    • to start with google, go here
  • Register an OAuth application using these details:
    • client type: confidential or web application
    • redirect_uri:
    • response_type: usually not a question, but, if you get to it, opt-in for response_type=code and grant_type=authorization_code. Sometimes this is also called three-legged flow
    • client authentication methods: this is even more rarely, but if you are asked how Loginbuddy authenticates itself at the providers token endpoint, configure client_secret_post
      • this setting is called token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported in OpenID Connect terms
  • Note these values that google generates:
    • client_id
    • client_secret

Update this sample project

You need to update a few files:

  • ./docker-build/add-ons/loginbuddy/config.json
    • add a provider configuration for Google
    • copy the example provider: google from ./docker-build/add-ons/templates/config_common_providers.json into the provider section of config.json and fill in client_id, client_secret
  • ./docker-build/add-ons/loginbuddy/permissions.policy
    • Uncomment these lines:
      • permission "", "connect,resolve";
        permission "", "connect,resolve";
        permission "", "connect,resolve";
        permission "", "connect,resolve";
  • custom image
    • by default, Loginbuddy has built in images for amazon, apple, github, google, linkedin, loginid, pingone, self-issued, no need to do anything if one of those is your providers
    • if you want to use a custom image for the provider selection button do this:
      • create a png image and name it google (google.png). Generally, the image name (provider-name) has to match the value you chose for {..."provider": "provider-name"...} in config.json
      • in docker-compose.yml add an entry to the volumes for loginbuddy. Point and map it to your image (follow the example of server_dynamic.png)

Build and launch the setup as before:

For more info, look into the Configuration document of Loginbuddy.

Cluster demo

The samples project supports a first version of a cluster setup. Please follow the cluster build and usage instructions at:

  • ./docker-build/add-ons/cluster/

In order to try out the cluster after following the README instructions, run this:

  • docker compose -f docker-compose-cluster.yml up // to use the setup with https - http
  • docker compose -f docker-compose-cluster-tls.yml up // to use the setup with https - https

If you now open a browser at you will not see any difference as before, but behind the scenes the demo client is now connecting to the nginx loadbalancer.

To shut down the project run the compose command with ...down as before.


If you are not sure what Loginbuddy can do for you, please refer to Deployment, Development and Configuration in the Loginbuddy WIKI.