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SODALITE - SOftware Defined AppLication Infrastructures managemenT and Engineering: Guidelines for Contributors

Table of Contents



The work described here has been conducted within the Research & Innovation action SODALITE (project no. 825480), started in February 2019, and co-funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) theme of the H2020 framework programme (H2020-ICT-16-2018: Software Technologies)

1. Introduction

This document presents the structure of the SODALITE organization on GitHub ( and the open source repositories adopted for the development of the SODALITE components. Moreover, it introduces external contributors to the rules and steps to be followed to participate in the SODALITE effort. We are seeking contributions at various levels, ranging from using the offered tools to highlighting bugs and extension possibilities to contributing to the code of a specific component. This is an important element of the SODALITE documentation and will be evolved based on the development of the project.

2. SODALITE Architecture and the geography of the SODALITE open source repositories

The SODALITE platform is roughly organized in three layers (see Figure 1): Modeling Layer, Infrastructure as Code Layer, and Runtime Layer. Each layer is further decomposed into a number of different elements. Such decomposition has been initially defined in Deliverable D2.1 [3] and is evolving based on the current understanding gathered by all project partners.

The SODALITE software and team is organized around these three layers and is made available to external contributors through GitHub ( In particular, we have created the SODALITE-EU organization ( which, at the time of writing, features three teams of committers, one for each layer of the architecture, and various repositories, one for each subcomponent or group of strictly interrelated subcomponents. The organization also maintains this repository as an additional repository which includes the overall documentation of the project. In the following subsections we provide a short overview of the various layers of the SODALITE architecture, we identify the components that are part of each layer and the corresponding repositories.

General overview

Figure 1. SODALITE high level architecture (from D2.1)

2.1. The SODALITE Modeling Layer

The Modeling Layer offers the tools to support all modeling activities by the SODALITE users. Its elements are the IDE offering smart editing features enhanced with suggestions that are generated, in a context-based fashion, by the Semantic Reasoner. This last component is reasoning on an extensible ontology, the Semantic Knowledge Base, that includes the main concepts needed to model a deployment configuration for a complex application. The following table lists these three components together with the main technologies they are based on and the GitHub repositories that include their code.

Modelling Layer overview

Figure 2. SODALITE Modelling Layer architecture

Table 1. Components of the Modeling Layer and corresponding repositories

Component Main used technologies GitHub repository
SODALITE IDE: The development environment offered to users. It supports modeling using the SODALITE Domain Specific Language (DSL)

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java, Xtend

DBMS technology: Eclipse workspace (filesystem)

Middleware: Spring IO

UI/UX technology: Eclipse, REST API
Semantic Reasoner (Knowledge Base Service - KBS): The component supporting semantic reasoning over the knowledge base

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java

DBMS technology: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

Middleware: Apache Tomcat

UI/UX technology: N/A
Semantic Knowledge Base (KB): The ontology that describes the main concepts needed to model an application deployment

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): RDF/OWL 2

DBMS technology: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: N/A

2.2. The SODALITE Infrastructure as a Code Layer

The Infrastructure as a Code Layer is in charge of transforming an Abstract Deployment Model built using the modeling layer into an executable blueprint and a set of related artifacts (configuration scripts and execution container images). It also includes tools that identify and detect anti-patterns to be avoided as well as mechanisms to optimize the deployment of an application based on its characteristics. Additionally it provides automated platform discovery for the creation of platform resource models thus enabling the user to easily reuse these models when modelling application deployments. More specifically, this layer includes the subcomponents described in the following table.

IaC Layer overview

Figure 3. SODALITE IaC Layer architecture

Table 2. Components of the Infrastructure as a Code Layer and corresponding repositories

Component Main used technologies GitHub repository
Abstract Model Parser: It parses an abstract deployment model and generates the corresponding abstract syntax tree

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java, Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: REST API
IaC Blueprint Builder: Starting from the output provided by the Abstract Model Parser, this generates a TOSCA blueprint

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java, Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: REST API
Runtime Image Builder: It generates application component images ready to be executed

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python, Ansible

DBMS technology: SQLite

Middleware: xOpera, Docker, Singularity

UI/UX technology: REST API
Concrete Image Builder: Concrete Image Builder builds the image adjusting it to the execution platform and handles specific implementation regarding configuration, deployment or monitoring

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python, Ansible

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: xOpera, Docker, Singularity

UI/UX technology: API
Application Optimiser: Tries to build a performance-wise improved version of an application for a given target platform based on the optimisation options selected

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: Dockerhost engine, Singularity engine

UI/UX technology: REST API
IaC Verifier: Acts as a facade to the Topology Verifier and Provisioning Workflow Verifier, and coordinates the processes of verification of the application deployment topology and provisioning workflow

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: Web Server

UI/UX technology: Swagger REST API
Verification Model Builder: This component builds the models required to verify the deployment model and its provisioning workflow

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

Middleware: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

UI/UX technology: N/A
Topology Verifier: This component verifies the constraints over the structures of the TOSCA blueprints and Ansible playbooks

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: N/A
Provisioning Workflow Verifier: It verifies the constraints over the deployment (provisioning) workflow of the application using one of the widely used techniques for verifying workflows such as Petri Net

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: CPN Tools

UI/UX technology: N/A
Bug Predictor and Fixer: It detects smells in TOSCA and Ansible playbooks and suggests corrections or fixes for each smell

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: Web Server

UI/UX technology: Swagger REST API
Predictive Model Builder: This component uses a rule-based model for detecting implementation and security smells in Ansible playbooks and TOSCA blueprints

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

Middleware: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

UI/UX technology: N/A
IaC Quality Assessor: it includes the tool to calculate the software quality metrics for TOSCA and Ansible artifacts

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: N/A
Image Registry: It stores the images after their generation by the Runtime and Concrete Image Builder

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python, Ansible

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: Dockerhost engine

UI/UX technology: N/A
Examples of IaC code and images: This is not a software component, but rather a set of IaC code examples that are developed to provide examples to the users of the SODALITE platform

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): TOSCA, Ansible

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: N/A
Platform Discovery Service automates the creation of a TOSCA model definition for a specific platform such as HPC Torque/Slurm managed systems and cloud platforms such as Openstack and AWS, given access data and specific namespace. When stored in the SODALITE knowledge base this definiton is used to ease the modelling of Application deployments.

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python, TOSCA, Ansible

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: REST API

2.3. The SODALITE Runtime Layer

The Runtime Layer is in charge of orchestrating, monitoring and reconfiguring the execution of a complex application even when it exploits multiple execution environments (Cloud, HPC, GPUs). The following table describes each sub-component of this layer and links to the corresponding GitHub repository. Most of the sub-components highlighted here extend and/or integrate pre-existing open source components. These are included as submodules in the corresponding repositories.

Runtime Layer overview

Figure 4. SODALITE Runtime Layer architecture

Table 3. Components of the Runtime Layer and corresponding repositories

Component Main used technologies GitHub repository
Orchestrator -> xOpera: This is a pre-existing lightweight TOSCA compliant orchestrator that executes infrastructure provisioning and deployment of applications and blueprints produced in SODALITE.

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): TOSCA, Ansible, Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: N/A

UI/UX technology: REST API

includes the following repository as submodule

Orchestrator -> ALDE: This component includes the drivers that enable the usage of xOpera within SODALITE.

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python

DBMS technology: SQLite

Middleware: Flask

UI/UX technology: REST API
xOpera REST API - includes xOpera REST API interface with persistence, session management, status of deployment, history of deployment, documented with swagger Programming language(s): Python

DBMS technology: Postgres

Middleware: Flask

UI/UX technology: REST API, swagger UI
Monitoring -> IPMI Exporter: This includes custom exporter files that enable to get the power consumption of physical nodes

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Go

DBMS technology: ElasticSearch, OrientDB

Middleware: Prometheus, Grafana, Skydive

UI/UX technology: REST API, WebUI
Monitoring -> Skydive Exporter: The Skydive Flow Exporter is a pre-existing tool that provides a framework for building pipelines which extract flows from the Skydive Analyzer (via it WebSocket API), process them and send the results upstream.

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Go

DBMS technology: ElasticSearch, OrientDB

Middleware: Prometheus, Grafana, Skydive

UI/UX technology: REST API, WebUI

includes the following repository as submodule:

Monitoring configuration files: This includes configuration files used for the current Prometheus deployment

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): TOSCA, Ansible, Prometheus configuration files (YAML)

Middleware: Prometheus, Grafana, Skydive
LRE Exporter: It will be a Prometheus exporter that will provide monitoring metrics at the level of the Light-weight Runtime Environment (LRE).

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Go

Middleware: Prometheus

UI/UX technology: REST API
HPC Exporter: It will be a Prometheus that will provide monitoring metrics of the execution of applications on an HPC environment.

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Go

Middleware: Prometheus

UI/UX technology: REST API
Deployment Refactorer: Includes rule-based and machine-learning based approaches to refactoring the deployment model of an application at runtime

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java, MySQL, Redis, Python

Middleware: Web Server, Rule Engine, Redis, Varnish

UI/UX technology: Swagger REST API
Node Manager: Includes control-theory based approaches to managing the resources in the nodes in a deployment model

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Python

DBMS technology: N/A

Middleware: TensorFlow, Spark, Kubernetes

UI/UX technology: N/A
Refactoring Option Discoverer: Includes semantic-matching capabilities for locating the new deployment options and resources

License: Apache2

Programming language(s): Java and Python

DBMS technology: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

Middleware: RDF triple store (GraphDB)

UI/UX technology: N/A

3. General organization of repositories

Each repository provides the source code associated with the corresponding component, any infrastructural code and configuration files needed to compile it, deploy it, and make it work, the test suites currently available and executed on the software, known open issues and bugs, and its public APIs, as openAPI [4] specification. Thus, we envision the organization of the SODALITE repositories as follows:

|- Repository X
|-- documentation
|---- public APIs (openAPI)
|-- source code
|---- unit tests
|-- infrastructural code (any script needed to compile, deploy, execute the code)
|-- integration tests (tests to check the integration of component X)
|-- open issues/bugs: link to an issue tracking system or to a document

The only exception to this rule is the semantic-model repository which does not include source code but only ontology definitions (text files). As such, it shows the following simplified structure:

|- semantic-models
|-- documentation
|-- ontology definitions
|-- open issues/bugs: link to an issue tracking system or to a document

The project-wide documentation is made available on a dedicated repository ( that features the following structure:

Sodalite ---project-wide documentation
|- general rules and roles
|- docker images (through a link to Docker Hub)
|- integration tests
|- infrastructural code
|--any script needed to compile the whole SODALITE framework
|--any script needed to compile partial solutions (design and runtime frameworks)
|-- uml

Within this structure, we will include the open-source LICENSE [5] associated with each repository (at the time of writing, all components under development feature an Apache 2 license); the README that represents the instruction manual that welcomes new community members to the project; this document helps people contribute to the project and defines the CODE_OF_CONDUCT setting ground rules for participants’ behavior and helps facilitate a friendly environment (i.e., how to contribute). The project will also have additional documentation, such as tutorials or walkthroughs.

4. Licenses

All the components of the SODALITE framework have been currently released by using the Apache 2 license scheme. Additional license models might be used and integrated in the project in the next phases.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

For each repository, SODALITE identifies five main roles:

  • A project leader is in charge of the final decisions and is supposed to mitigate and manage inconsistencies and different views.
  • An artefact leader is responsible for making final decisions about features, releases, and any other activity related to the specific artefact. This role is usually played by a representative of the partners that contributed/developed the artefact but could also be played by two/three people, mainly from different partners, if the size and importance of the artefact call for a small committee.
  • Committers are those who have contributed to the repository and are considered reliable and responsible enough to be allowed to commit directly to all or some parts of the project, rather than having to submit to an artefact leader for review. Contributions from committers are still subject to review by project leaders and may be reverted if there are concerns.
  • Contributors are those who contribute with code, documentation and other enhancements. These contributions are usually subject to a review from an experienced committer and the artefact leader before they are included.
  • Users give the project a purpose and help it evolve. These valuable members of the community can provide feedback about features, bug reports and more.

A strong, vibrant, and diverse community is important to the success of open source communities. All of the people in the roles listed above are key to the SODALITE community, in general, and to the different sub-communities, organized around the different artefacts in particular.

6. SODALITE development flow

The development flow

Figure 5. The development flow

SODALITE follows the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) approach and its development flow is depicted in Figure 2. Firstly, a SODALITE developer, either a committer or a contributor (see the Roles section), submits a pull request after locally changing the source code of one of the SODALITE repositories. Upon this, a respective technical project leader reviews the changes and either approves or rejects the pull request, preliminarily discussing with the developer about the decision the leader made or in case something is unclear.

When the code changes are approved, the CI/CD pipeline is triggered by Jenkins, an automation server. It schedules any unit, integration and functional tests of SODALITE components. These tests validate the changes and prove that the updates did not break the project. In case of the test failures, the technical project leader and the developer are notified about the failures and certain actions are performed collectively to mitigate them. As soon as the tests are passed, the source code changes are pushed into the repository. The SODALITE components are then ready for the manual or automated deployment by artifact leaders (e.g., as a new production release of the SODALITE platform or a bug fix update) and are subsequently available to the users.

7. Guidelines for external contributors

The guide “How to Contribute to Open Source” [6] suggests that before doing anything, new contributors should always carry out a quick check to make sure their ideas have not been addressed already. Potential contributors must always skim through the project documentation (e.g., README files, open and closed issues). If they cannot find their ideas elsewhere, then they are ready to contribute.

There could be multiple ways of contributing to SODALITE, as summarized in Figure 3:

  • Contributing some new resource models: This is very valuable contribution for us as it would extend the ecosystem of computational resources SODALITE is able to offer. Such a contribution will concern the semantic model repository ( In this case, we suggest contributors to issue a pull request on that repository. The pull request should include a clear description of what the new model describes and how it can be used by others.
  • Contributing a description of a new use case for the SODALITE platform: This contribution is precious as it shows that SODALITE can be exploited by external users for modeling specific application examples. In this case a document describing the application along with the corresponding models could be produced. Such contribution will concern the project-wide documentation ( In this case, we suggest contributors to issue a pull request on that repository. The pull request should include a clear description of what the new application case is about, of the corresponding application architecture, and a description of the associated models.
  • Signaling a misbehaviour of the system: SODALITE users may encounter unexpected faults and misbehavior while using the platform. In this case, we suggest users to open an issue in the repository associated to the component they think has shown the bug. In case it is not possible to identify a specific repository, then we ask users to open the issue on Each opened issue will be assigned to a SODALITE contributor that will follow up on it.
  • Contributing a bug fix: external contributors as well as internal ones can propose to assign to themselves an issue request - this is done replying to the issue request and waiting for feedback by one of the committers - and then produce a corresponding pull request in the relevant repository.
  • Contributing a proposal for a new feature: external contributors willing to propose the development of a new feature can open an issue request of type “enhancement”. This will be discussed with the rest of the team and, if approved, developed.
  • Contributing a solution implementing a new feature: As soon as a proposal for a new feature is approved (see previous point), an external contributor, as well as an internal one, can offer to take care of it. In this case, the contributor proposes to assign to himself/herself the development of the specific feature and, when ready, will submit a pull request that will be reviewed by the SODALITE team. Another possibility is that, without going through the step of proposing a new feature, the contributor proposes the solution directly through a pull request. This second option, even if possible, is not encouraged as it may lead to work duplication and misalignment. To mitigate this problem, it is advisable to open the pull request as soon as possible and to mark it as “in progress” in order to let the others know, to allow them to watch and monitor any progress, and to provide any feedback. Dedicated commits must then correspond to the different milestones.

Possible types of contributions

Figure 6. Possible types of contributions to the SODALITE project

The contributor must follow a simple process to submit a pull request. The contributor must fork the repository and clone it locally. The local and original “upstream” repositories must be connected by adding the latter as remote to the former. The contributor must then pull changes from the remote repository to keep the local version aligned and avoid conflicts. A dedicated branch must then be created for carrying out any relevant change, modification, or addition. Every possible contribution must always respect the styles, rules, and conventions adopted by the project. The contributor must consider what the project, and the community, is used to, and not his/her common habits. The goal is to ease any possible merge, and help the others understand. The contributor must also add references to any appropriate issue, document, or artefact in the pull request to help the others scope it properly. Screenshots of the before and after, if appropriate, could also be added to further clarify the scope of the change.

Finally, every change must always be tested properly: regression testing should be carried out if possible, and additional tests be developed to assess the quality and impact of the proposed change. Nothing should break the existing project. Figure 4 summarizes the steps to be followed when working at a pull request. After submission, the workflow in Figure 2 is entered.

Pull request workflow

Figure 7. Pull request workflow

In general, the SODALITE team would like to enter in touch informally with potential contributors as soon as possible and discuss with them any problem or new idea. To this purpose, the team will open a slack channel and will provide on GitHub instructions to join it.

8. Conclusions

This document discusses the guidelines for creating open-source communities behind the different artefacts developed by SODALITE. It also identifies rules, roles, and hints to let external people contribute to the project and help ameliorate it.

This document will then serve as reference for the SODALITE communities and will be updated properly while the project evolves, and new needs emerge.

9. References

  1. Eric S. Raymond, The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary, O'Reilly Media, 258 pages
  2. Stormy Peters and Nithya Ruff, Participating in open source communities ( and
  3. SODALITE Consortium, Requirements, KPIs, evaluation plan and architecture - First version, Technical deliverable 2.1, 2019.
  4. Choose an open source license (
  5. The OpenAPI Specification (
  6. How to Contribute to Open Source (