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Visualization Pipeline on Amazon Neptune (creating RESTful Interface)

This project is a custom Visualization pipeline on top of AWS Neptune GraphDB Cluster using Open source Visualization library by creating RESTful interafce on top of Neptune DB with the leverage of AWS API G/W, AWS Lambda primarily. I'm leveraging the below architecture to Visualize graph data using

  • Obviously, Amazon Neptune Cluster

  • AWS API Gateway

  • AWS Lambda functions

  • AWS S3 (for hosting static website)

  • VIS.js Open sourcevlibrary

  • AWS IAM for permissions -> creating AWS Lambda functions
    -> creating IAM roles for Amazon Neptune cluster to access S3 and, for API Gateway to access AWS Lambda functions
    -> APIs in Amazon API Gateway
    -> Amazon S3 buckets
    -> creating and attaching VPC Endpoints to the VPC

Why so much fuss? Let me explain!

  • Since Amazon Neptune instance can't be accessed outside the VPC, we are using AWS Lambda function in VPC. This AWS Lambda function is accessed through the proxy created and exposed to internet using Amazon API Gateway. i.e., This project creates RESTful interface on Neptune DB by using the AWS Lambda function to access this data and expose it over RESTful interface through Amazon API Gateway.

  • Once the proxy is exposed, we can access the APIs from Javascript code being executed/hosted from Amazon S3 (static website).

Why VIS.js? Let me share my point of View! In this project, I've focussed on visualizing data in Amazon Neptune using VIS.js. As VIS.js is a Javascript library used for visualizing graph data. It has various components for displaying data in various ways, such as - DataSet, Timeline, - Graph2D, Graph3D, Network etc. In addition to, VIS.js, One can leverage other open source libraries and solutions to visualize data in Amazon Neptune.

Additional Note:

Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service available from AWS. With Amazon Neptune you can use open source and popular graph query languages such as - Apache TinkerPop Gremlin for property graph databases or - SPARQL for W3C RDF model graph databases.

In addition to, VIS.js, One can leverage other open source libraries and solutions to visualize data in Amazon Neptune. - 1. GraphExp open source visualization tool - 2. D3.js javascript library by - 3. other open source library etc. One can use these visualization libraries to build their own applications and products on top of Amazon Neptune.

Steps executed

  1. Provision Amazon Neptune Cluster
  2. Load sample data into Amazon Neptune
  3. Create and Configure AWS Lambda Function
  4. Create and Configure Amazon API Gateway - Proxy API
  5. Configure Amazon S3 bucket for hosting a static website

1. Provision Amazon Neptune Cluster

Follow the procedure mentioned in Amazon Neptune Documentation to provision a new Amazon Neptune Instance inside a VPC.

2. Load sample data into Amazon Neptune

This GitHub repo provides you sample twitter data that you can load into Amazon Neptune. To load the data into Amazon Neptune, you will need to

  • copy the sample data to Amazon S3
  • create IAM Role for accessing S3 bucket and attach it to Amazon Neptune cluster
  • create Amazon S3 VPC Endpoint and attach it to the VPC
  • create a "bastion host" inside the same VPC to load data from Amazon S3 into Amazon Neptune.

For details on how to load data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Neptune please refer this link from AWS documentation.

3. Create and configure AWS Lambda function

Once you load data into Amazon Neptune, you need to create the AWS Lambda function to access this data and expose it over RESTful interface through Amazon API Gateway.
Execute below steps from the terminal to create the deployment package and create AWS Lambda function -

sudo yum install git 

sudo yum install npm

git clone

cd gremlin/visjs-neptune

npm install

zip -r node_modules/ indexLambda.js

Once AWS Lambda deployment package (.zip file) is ready, we can create the Lambda function using AWS CLI.
To install and configure AWS CLI on your operating system, please refer to -
After installing AWS CLI, run aws configure to set the access_key, secret_key and AWS region.

Run below commands to create AWS Lambda function within the same VPC as Amazon Neptune cluster.

AWS Lambda function would need an execution role to be able to create ENIs in the VPC for accessing the Neptune instance.

aws iam create-role --path /service-role/ --role-name lambda-vpc-access-role --assume-role-policy-document '{
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
}' --description "VPC Access role for lambda function"

Below is the command to attach the policy provided by AWS to the above role.

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name lambda-vpc-access-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaENIManagementAccess

We will now create the AWS Lambda function using the deployment package and IAM role created in previous steps.

NOTE: Use subnet-ids from the VPC in which Amazon Neptune cluster is provisioned.

aws lambda create-function --function-name <lambda-function-name> \
--role "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-number>:role/service-role/lambda-vpc-access-role" \
--runtime nodejs10.x --handler indexLambda.handler \
--description "Lambda function to make gremlin calls to Amazon Neptune" \
--timeout 120 --memory-size 256 --publish \
--vpc-config SubnetIds=<subnet-ids>,SecurityGroupIds=<sec-group-id> \
--zip-file fileb:// \
--environment Variables="{NEPTUNE_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT=<your-neptune-cluster-endpoint>,NEPTUNE_PORT=<your-neptune-db-port>}"

We recommend you to go through the AWS Lambda function source code at this point to understand how to query data using Gremlin APIs and how to parse and reformat the data to send it over to the clients.

4. Create and Configure Amazon API Gateway - Proxy API

We would expose the AWS Lambda function created in the earlier step through Amazon API Gateway Proxy API. For more details on this approach please refer to AWS documentation @

First we create the Restful API using the below command from AWS CLI.

aws apigateway create-rest-api --name lambda-neptune-proxy-api --description "API Proxy for AWS Lambda function in VPC accessing Amazon Neptune" 

Note the value of "id" field from the earlier output and use it as a <rest-api-id> value below.

aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id <rest-api-id>

Note the value of "id" field from the earlier output and use it as a <parent-id> value below. Below command would create a resource under the root strutrure of the API.

aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id <rest-api-id>  --parent-id <parent-id> --path-part {proxy+}

Note the value of "id" field from the output and use it as a <resource-id> in the command below.

aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id <rest-api-id>  --resource-id <resource-id> --http-method ANY \
--authorization-type NONE

So far we created, an API, API Resource and Methods for that Resource (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE or ANY for all methods). We will now create the API method integration, that would identify the AWS Lambda function for which this resource will be acting as a PROXY.

Use appropriate values obtained from the previous commands.

aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id <rest-api-id> \
--resource-id  <resource-id> --http-method ANY --type AWS_PROXY \
--integration-http-method POST  \
--uri arn:aws:apigateway:<aws-region-code>:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:<aws-region-code>:<aws-account-number>:function:<lambda-function-name>/invocations 

Finally we deploy the API using below command.

aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id <rest-api-id> --stage-name test

In order for Amazon API Gateway API, to invoke AWS Lambda function we either need to provide the "execution-role" to API Integration or we can also add the permission (subscription) in AWS Lambda explicitly that says an API "X" can invoke a lambda function. This API Gateway subscription is also reflected in AWS Console.

Execute below command to add API Gateway subscription/permission to AWS Lambda function.

aws lambda add-permission --function-name <lamnda-function-name> \
--statement-id <any-unique-id> --action lambda:* \
--principal \
--source-arn arn:aws:execute-api:<aws-region-code>:<aws-account-number>:<rest-api-id>/*/*/*

We have now created an API Gateway proxy for the AWS Lambda function.

5. Configure Amazon S3 bucket for hosting a static website

Now that we have all the backend infrastructure ready for handling the API requests to get data out from Amazon Neptune, let's create an Amazon S3 bucket that will be used to host a static website.

Run below commands to create an Amazon S3 bucket as a static website and upload the visualize-graph.html into it.

--create Amazon S3 bucket with public read access
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket-name> --acl public-read --region <aws-region-code> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<aws-region-code>

--configure website hosting on S3 bucket
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket <bucket-name> --website-configuration '{
    "IndexDocument": {
        "Suffix": "visualize-graph.html"
    "ErrorDocument": {
        "Key": "visualization-error.html"

6. Upload HTML file to Amazon S3

The visualize-graph.html file that we have as a part of this GitHub repository has to be updated to reflect the API Gateway Endpoint that we created in the steps above.

Execute below commands to replace value of API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT placeholder by real API Gateway Endpoint. You can obtain the value of API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT from AWS Management Console by navigating to API Gateway -> APIs -> Select the API Name -> Stages. Copy the value of Invoke URL field as API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT value as replace it in the below commands. You can also construct this URL using https://<rest-api-id>.execute-api.<aws-region-code><stage-name>.

NOTE: While executing the below commands make sure to use escape character "\" in URLs.

For Linux:

sed -i -e 's/API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT/<API-Gateway-Endpoint>/g' visualize-graph.html 

sed -i -e 's/API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT/https:\/\/\/test/g' visualize-graph.html

For MacOS:

find . -type f -name visualize-graph.html | xargs sed -i '' 's/API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT/<API-Gateway-Endpoint>/g'

find . -type f -name visualize-graph.html | xargs sed -i '' 's/API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT/https:\/\/\/test/g'

Once you have replace the value of placeholder API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT in visualize-graph.html file, upload the file to S3 using below command.

--upload the html document with public read access
aws s3 cp ./  s3://<bucket-name> --recursive --exclude "*" --include "vis*" --acl public-read

And, you are all set!

Visualize the graph data through this application from below URL.


[[ ------------------------------------------]]

A quick note as update for reference As of Nov 2019, Neptune launched Workbench, which is a Jupyter based visualization for Gremlin and SPARQL. One can find more details here:

Neptune Workbench basically is a Sagemaker instance preconfigured with extensions to help execute Gremlin and SPARQL queries, as well as other Neptune APIs like /loader, /status etc. You can easily create these notebooks from the Neptune console.

Cost aspect for using Neptune Workbench -There are no additional charges for the workbench, apart from the Sagemaker costs incurred by the notebook. These notebooks do support Start and Stop APIs, thereby making it possible for you to enable them only when you need it.

*Other generic graph visualization options that people have used are:

(A) GraphExp - There was a recent pull request that introduced a setting to disable some query patterns that don't work with Amazon Neptune (eg: Variables). Find details in the README.
(B) Tom Sawyer Software - Commercial Software that supports web-based and thick client visualizations.
(C) Cambridge Intelligence / Keylines - Commercial SDK for building visualizations.
(D) Metaphactory - Wiki-based Knowledge Graph Application that supports RDF/SPARQL.
(E) Arcade - Commercial Gremlin visualization engine

If you've used others, do share.

[[ ------------------------------------------]]


🚁 AWS_GraphDB_AWS API GW_AWS Lambda_Visualization_Pipeline







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