Google Tag Manager Plugin Alternatives

Google Tag Manager plugin for Sylius eCommerce Platform
Alternatives To Google Tag Manager Plugin
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Google Java Format5,28177169a year ago21October 05, 2023123otherJava
Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style.
Autotrack4,764210374 years ago31June 07, 201742otherJavaScript
Automatic and enhanced Google Analytics tracking for common user interactions on the web.
Flutter Ui Nice3,733
2 years ago8Dart
More than 130+ pages in this beautiful app and more than 45 developers has contributed to it.
Play Games Plugin For Unity3,350
a year ago737otherC#
Google Play Games plugin for Unity
Vue Analytics1,7887731233 years ago101January 08, 20204mitJavaScript
Google Analytics plugin for Vue
Googleads Mobile Unity1,265
a year ago83apache-2.0C#
Official Unity Plugin for the Google Mobile Ads SDK
Nativescript Plugin Firebase1,018125122 years ago159November 05, 2020594mitTypeScript
:fire: NativeScript plugin for Firebase
Cordova Plugin Firebase1,0062048a year ago43October 10, 2018253mitObjective-C
Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
Jprotobuf8374512a year ago143October 17, 202379apache-2.0Java
A useful utility library for java programmer using google protobuf
Sketch Map Generator831
4 years ago2mitJavaScript
Sketch plugin to fill a shape with a map generated from a given location using Google Maps and Mapbox
Alternatives To Google Tag Manager Plugin
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