Gizmo Alternatives

Cypher UI for interacting with Gremlin graph databases (eg. AWS Neptune)
Alternatives To Gizmo
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Dgraph19,857349 months ago174January 05, 2022285otherGo
The high-performance database for modern applications
Incubator Hugegraph2,61212 months ago5January 19, 2021280apache-2.0Java
A graph database that supports more than 100+ billion data, high performance and scalability (Include OLTP Engine & REST-API & Backends)
Gremlin1,835171387 years ago8September 17, 201421otherJava
A Graph Traversal Language (no longer active - see Apache TinkerPop)
Awesome Graph991
a year ago8
A curated list of resources for graph databases and graph computing tools
7 years agoApril 16, 2015mitJavaScript
An in-memory graph database for modern browsers.
Awesome Tinkerpop125
4 years ago1cc0-1.0
A curated list of useful libraries for Apache TinkerPop3 and Tinkerpop2
Yang Db95
a year ago15apache-2.0Java
YANGDB Open-source, Scalable, Non-native Graph database (Powered by Elasticsearch)
65 years ago1March 14, 20188mitGo
Go graph database client for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server
Gremlin Scala Examples61
5 years ago6apache-2.0Scala
Examples for different graph dbs
Azure Cosmos Db Graph Nodejs Getting Started42
2 years ago3mitJavaScript
Azure Cosmos DB's Graph API provides the graph data model and Gremlin. This tutorial shows how to get started with the Graph (Gremlin) API and the Node.js SDK.
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