Speech_synthesis_objective_evaluation Alternatives

Tools for evaluating the quality of synthetic speech (and particularly the ISCA SynSIG Blizzard challenge). Acoustic distance measures, synthetic speaker GMM training, wrappers for external DTW and feature extraction.
Alternatives To Speech_synthesis_objective_evaluation
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Tslearn2,90011385 months ago99August 21, 2023127bsd-2-clausePython
The machine learning toolkit for time series analysis in Python
Dtaidistance964423a year ago46November 08, 202321otherPython
Time series distances: Dynamic Time Warping (fast DTW implementation in C)
Fastdtw66642422 years ago10October 07, 201933mitPython
A Python implementation of FastDTW
Pytorch Softdtw Cuda359
2 years ago9mitPython
Fast CUDA implementation of (differentiable) soft dynamic time warping for PyTorch using Numba
9 years ago33mitC++
Aquila is a digital signal processing library for C++11.
3 years ago7gpl-3.0Java
Scalable Time Series Data Analytics
6 years agogpl-3.0Python
Transfer learning for time series classification
Dtw Python224
a year ago15August 31, 20192gpl-3.0Python
Python port of R's Comprehensive Dynamic Time Warp algorithms package
a year ago4Python
An implementation of piecewise linear time warping for multi-dimensional time series alignment
a year agomitPython
[AAAI2023] A PyTorch implementation of PDFormer: Propagation Delay-aware Dynamic Long-range Transformer for Traffic Flow Prediction.
Alternatives To Speech_synthesis_objective_evaluation
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