Metadata.js Alternatives

Library for building offline-first browser-based applications :: платформа автономных веб-приложений
Alternatives To Metadata.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Rxdb20,15982848 months ago502December 03, 20237apache-2.0TypeScript
A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications
Pouchdb16,1752,1899668 months ago93February 09, 2023129apache-2.0JavaScript
:koala: - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.
Hospitalrun Frontend6,7101022 years ago20May 18, 201772mitTypeScript
Frontend for HospitalRun
Relational Pouch396479a year ago34December 27, 202250apache-2.0TypeScript
Store relational data in PouchDB/CouchDB
Crypto Pouch2167173 years ago15August 10, 20218mitJavaScript
plugin for encrypted pouchdb/couchdb databases
Socket Pouch195357 years ago9November 19, 201611apache-2.0JavaScript
PouchDB and CouchDB over WebSockets, using
Metadata.js186237a year ago134August 16, 202331mitJavaScript
Library for building offline-first browser-based applications :: платформа автономных веб-приложений
Ionic Pouchdb Todo127
9 years ago1JavaScript
A simple Ionic Todo app with a PouchDb local storage backend configured to sync with a CouchDb installation. Demo of offline functionality with server synchronization.
Vue Pouch Db126217 years ago5November 09, 20172mitJavaScript
Vue Pouch DB is a VueJS Plugin that binds PouchDB with Vue and keeps a synchronised state with the database. Has support for Mango queries which are processed locally within the VuePouchDB state.
Kanban Board App11422 years ago14February 11, 202012otherTypeScript
Kanban style task management board app
Alternatives To Metadata.js
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