Nysenate.gov Alternatives

Designed to increase public participation in the legislative process, this web application serves as the central digital presence of the New York State Senate.
Alternatives To Nysenate.gov
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Gov Takedowns2,976
a year ago
Text of government takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices.
a year ago3otherHTML
老生常谈,节约您的搜寻时间。Laosheng.top 一带一路民间站,全球免费云媒体,五大洲的报纸、电视、通讯社;The Belt and Road Cloud Media。 解放军微博阵列,联合国有关部门,世界国别速查表,央企股票全家福。 高等院校三千所,中国千县政府网。 中国法律体系概览,大萌法律读本。老生常谈排行榜,难搜到的好网站。LSIP 大规模集成网页。😤
Gsoc2018 3gm35
5 years ago21gpl-3.0Python
💫 Automated codification of Greek Legislation with NLP
Core Alljoyn26
7 years ago1otherC++
3 years ago5otherPHP
Designed to increase public participation in the legislative process, this web application serves as the central digital presence of the New York State Senate.
Laws Markdown20
8 years ago3
A human-legible version of Dutch laws
Virginia Rules14
8 years ago
Virginia Convention just called for independence today (May 15, 1776)... maybe I can come up with rules for them
9 years ago48mitCSS
The Dutch government created a law that every website should ask for permission before settings cookies. This plugin automatically accepts all those popups/cookiebars.
10 years agoPython
Python interface for LegiScan API
Redmine Clf26
12 years ago1Ruby
Government of Canada Common Look and Feel plugin for Redmine
Alternatives To Nysenate.gov
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