Silver Reversing Sct Alternatives

A tool created to read, write and modify scripts of the 1999 rpg game 'Silver'.
Alternatives To Silver Reversing Sct
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Log Parser33430910 months ago13July 18, 20232apache-2.0PHP
PHP Web Server Log Parser Library
Illegal Mod Sites242
a year ago19otherPython
📜 A list of websites that are illegally redistributing game mods
3 years ago5bsd-3-clauseJava
Music player libraries for MOD, S3M and XM formats.
Marc4j80262a year ago11May 30, 202330lgpl-2.1mIRC Script
Git repository initially imported from the Tigris CVS repo as of 2013.01.25
Goobi Workflow49
9 months ago2gpl-2.0Java
Goobi workflow - Workflow management software for digitisation projects used in more than 80 cultural heritage institutions in at least 18 countries.
5 years ago2C#
Windows Application that can read and save the RDA file format used in Anno 1404, 2070 and 2205.
Audio Formats322a year ago32September 30, 20237D
Audio file decoding in pure D, no link dependency.
4 years ago6lgpl-3.0Java
A resource pack patcher to abandon the old MCPatcher format in favor of newer formats.
Silver Reversing Sct21
10 months agogpl-3.0C
A tool created to read, write and modify scripts of the 1999 rpg game 'Silver'.
10 years agootherC
apache2 modules for bioinformatics.
Alternatives To Silver Reversing Sct
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