Water_tank Alternatives

Water tank profile to treatment planning system comparison tool
Alternatives To Water_tank
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Cornerstone2,035621179 months ago35November 19, 2021150mitJavaScript
JavaScript library to display interactive medical images including but not limited to DICOM
Dwv1,551121810 months ago97December 01, 202343gpl-3.0JavaScript
DICOM Web Viewer: open source zero footprint medical image library.
Imageio1,3481,9191,151a year ago88November 20, 202394bsd-2-clausePython
Python library for reading and writing image data
Fo Dicom993252410 months ago81May 29, 2023122otherC#
Fellow Oak DICOM for .NET, .NET Core, Universal Windows, Android, iOS, Mono and Unity
3 years ago95otherJavaScript
The X Toolkit
10 months ago34otherJava
Weasis is a DICOM viewer available as a desktop application or as a web-based application.
Ami667242 years ago50September 30, 2020141mitJavaScript
AMI Medical Imaging (AMI) JS ToolKit
10 months ago19bsd-3-clauseC++
The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit.
Cornerstonetools574346610 months ago412July 21, 2023265mitJavaScript
A framework for tools built on top of Cornerstone.
Medpy5231529a year ago6February 14, 20196gpl-3.0Python
Medical image processing in Python
Alternatives To Water_tank
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