Initial.js Alternatives

Simple jQuery plugin to make Gmail like text avatars for profile pictures
Alternatives To Initial.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
6 years ago1October 27, 201515mitJavaScript
Simple jQuery plugin to make Gmail like text avatars for profile pictures
Ngletteravatar137776 years ago3August 09, 201612mitJavaScript
directive for the letter avatar for the given string like gmail, first letter of the given data will be the avatar .
Network Avatar Picker87122 years ago25January 04, 20221apache-2.0JavaScript
A npm module that returns user's social network avatar. Supported providers: facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr, vimeo, github, youtube and gmail
2 years ago3apache-2.0Kotlin
Android library to generate image avatar from the first letter of a username. Letter avatar like Gmail Android best practice
13 years ago5May 25, 2020mitRuby
Create Gmail like text avatars for profile pictures using SVG.
155 years ago3August 08, 20165Ruby
A Dragonfly plugin for creating Gmail style avatars
Avatar Generator.rb21
10 years agoRuby
Letter Avatar11
17 years ago2April 26, 20152PHP
Provide a simple way to create letter avatar images, like those in your Gmail inbox.
Avatar Me1124 years ago9October 12, 20176JavaScript
🤖 Simple node module to retrieves a user avatar from Google or Gravatar given an email or a user name
K Avatar7
8 years agomitHTML
Simple component to make Gmail like text avatars for profile pictures. These avatars can be scaled up to any size.
Alternatives To Initial.js
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