Environmental Ds Book Alternatives

A computational notebook community for open environmental data science 🌎
Alternatives To Environmental Ds Book
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Data Science Cheatsheet4,117
2 years ago5TeX
A helpful 5-page machine learning cheatsheet to assist with exam reviews, interview prep, and anything in-between.
Openintro Statistics373
a year ago10otherTeX
📚 An open-source textbook written at the college level. OpenIntro also offers a second college-level intro stat textbook and also a high school variant.
Open Quant Live Book278
3 years ago4otherTeX
An open source, hands-on and fully reproducible book in quantitative finance, data science and econophysics. Join us and help Make Wall Street Great Again!
a year agootherTeX
the statistics handbook open source repository
10 months ago3otherTeX
Labs for the Foundations of Applied Mathematics curriculum.
Py Rse181
3 years ago15otherTeX
Research Software Engineering with Python course material
Data Science Live Book177
5 years ago2cc-by-sa-4.0TeX
An open source book to learn data science, data analysis and machine learning, suitable for all ages!
5 years ago3TeX
yarning about data science for white hat security researchers
Tidyverse Cookbook79
2 years ago4TeX
Code recipes for doing data science with R's tidyverse
Environmental Ds Book73
a year ago17otherTeX
A computational notebook community for open environmental data science 🌎
Alternatives To Environmental Ds Book
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