Mathicall.js Alternatives

A fast javascript maths library designed for simulation and data processing.
Alternatives To Mathicall.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Math Php2,280362310 months ago135May 19, 202355mitPHP
Powerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; special mathematical functions; Algebra
3 years ago8gpl-2.0JavaScript
Machine learning and scientific computing (linear algebra, statistics, optimization) javascript libraries, with an online lab.
8 months ago2other
Deep R Programming (Open-Access Textbook)
2 years agomitJavaScript
A fast javascript maths library designed for simulation and data processing.
a year ago1mitTypeScript
The Math Algorithm
a year ago18October 10, 20237otherR
Wrapper to access CANSIM data
Autodiff3423 years ago7December 08, 2021gpl-3.0Go
Autodiff is a numerical library for the Go programming language that supports automatic differentiation. It implements routines for linear algebra (vector/matrix operations), numerical optimization and statistics
a year agomitJupyter Notebook
Learn the mathematics behind machine learning and explore various mathematical concepts within machine learning.
Rstats2919 months ago188October 26, 2023apache-2.0Rust
Statistics, Information Measures, Linear Algebra, Cholesky Matrix Decomposition, Mahalanobis Distance, Householder QR Decomposition, Clifford Algebra, Multidimensional Data Analysis, Geometric Median, Hulls, Machine Learning, multithreading implementation...
Mathematics For Machine Learning And Data Science Specialization25
9 months ago3Jupyter Notebook
Non-credit online course by DeepLearning.AI
Alternatives To Mathicall.js
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