D2l Zh vs Pytorch Cyclegan And Pix2pix vs Learnopencv vs D2l En vs Datasets vs Awesome Pytorch List vs Facenet vs Dlib vs Label Studio vs Fashion Mnist

D2l ZhPytorch Cyclegan And Pix2pixD2l EnLearnopencvDatasetsAwesome Pytorch ListLabel StudioFacenetDlibFashion Mnist
Dependent Packages17603115
Dependent Repos19679
Most Recent Commita month ago4 months ago3 months ago3 months ago10 days ago3 months ago9 months ago9 months ago3 months ago2 years ago
Total Releases5127615936
Latest ReleaseAugust 18, 2023November 13, 2022November 16, 2023June 16, 2022June 03, 2023
Open Issues6551911525566546175414724
Programming LanguagePythonPythonPythonJupyter NotebookPythonPythonPythonC++Python