Superset vs Streamlit vs Dash vs Data Science For Beginners vs Matplotlib vs Best Of Ml Python vs Gradio vs Seaborn vs Folium vs Orange3

SupersetStreamlitGradioData Science For BeginnersDashMatplotlibBest Of Ml PythonSeabornFoliumOrange3
Dependent Packages211,22822963923,8424,94632947
Dependent Repos17180439,5526,39348457
Most Recent Commit15 hours ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago3 months ago16 days ago3 months ago
Total Releases6212534174119353063
Latest ReleaseApril 18, 2023November 30, 2023December 05, 2023November 28, 2023November 18, 2023September 29, 2023December 04, 2023October 31, 2023
Open Issues1,764712452508151,535211297299
Programming LanguageTypeScriptPythonPythonJupyter NotebookPythonPythonPythonPythonPython