Handson Ml vs Handson Ml2 vs Fastai vs Homemade Machine Learning vs Learnopencv vs Virgilio vs Kubeflow vs Deep Learning With Tensorflow Book vs Python Machine Learning Book vs Ml Nlp

Handson Ml2FastaiHandson MlHomemade Machine LearningLearnopencvVirgilioKubeflowDeep Learning With Tensorflow BookPython Machine Learning BookMl Nlp
Dependent Packages1573
Dependent Repos184
Most Recent Commit4 months ago3 months ago7 months ago9 months ago3 months ago2 years ago3 months ago3 years ago2 years ago2 years ago
Total Releases14764
Latest ReleaseOctober 15, 2023November 01, 2023
Open Issues2112011402325520397781129
Programming LanguageJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookTypeScriptJupyter NotebookJupyter NotebookJupyter Notebook