Linux Insides vs Linux Kernel Module Cheat vs Vmlinux To Elf vs Autolocalprivilegeescalation vs Vscode Linux Kernel vs Symtcp vs Python Nsenter vs Clang Kernel Build vs Salt vs Kernel Build Containers

Linux InsidesLinux Kernel Module CheatVmlinux To ElfVscode Linux KernelAutolocalprivilegeescalationKernel Build ContainersSymtcpPython NsenterClang Kernel BuildSalt
Dependent Packages22
Dependent Repos55
Most Recent Commit3 months ago5 months ago8 months ago7 months ago8 years ago4 months ago4 years ago4 years ago2 years ago6 years ago
Total Releases111
Latest ReleaseDecember 19, 2019January 08, 2016
Open Issues366819923411
Programming LanguagePythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPython